Job Time Tickets, Mechanic's Time Sheets

Daily Time & Job Tickets are used by auto dealerships to record the amount of time spent by a mechanic or technician working on a particular job. They are commonly used by Auto Dealership Service Departments, Auto Repair Shops, and Auto Body Shops, but can be used in any industry where it is important to track the amount of time an employee spends on a particular job. Our Job Tickets are compatible with side-feed time clocks and job recorders or can be filled in by hand. This product line is commonly referred to as Flag Sheets, Time Stubs, Flat Rate Stickers, and Mechanic's Time Sheets. The times are recorded on pressure sensitive self-sticking labels which can be peeled off and applied to the work order. Job Time Tickets differ from time cards (clock cards), as timecards are used to record when an employee signs into work and clocks out of work; whereas, Job Time Tickets are used to record the amount of time an employee or group of employees work on a specific automotive service or repair. They can also be used to enumerate which employees worked on the job. Daily Time & Job Tickets are an effective way to track the efficiency of particular employees or groups of employees and therefore are a valuable tool used by Service Managers or Service Advisors to improve the bottom line of the dealership. We offer several varieties of the mechanic's time sheets, which include your choice of 3-part carbon interleaved forms or NCR Carbonless forms. MBR Marketing is a leader in automotive forms, offering a comprehensive selection of forms designed to meet the needs of automotive service company’s and auto dealerships. Regardless of the type of form you need (stock or custom), feel free to reach out to us by phone, chat, or email and we will work with you to find the right form to satisfy your requirements!
Job Time Tickets & Payroll Record - 11-1/8" x 4-1/4" - 10 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: JT3286
$34.75 - $44.75
Select OptionsCarbonless Job Time Tickets - 9-3/4" x 4-1/4" - 12 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: JT12NC
$43.95 - $54.95
Select OptionsJob Time Tickets & Payroll Record - 11-3/4" x 4-1/4" - 9 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: JTVW
$29.90 - $40.90
Select OptionsJob Time Tickets - 11-1/8" x 4-1/4" - 10 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: TT136
$32.75 - $42.75
Select OptionsJob Time Tickets - 9-3/4" x 4-1/4" - 10 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: JT10X
$32.75 - $42.75
Select OptionsJob Time Tickets - 9-3/4" x 4-1/4" - 12 Labels (Package of 250)
Item #: JT12X
$32.75 - $42.75
Select OptionsWhat is a Job Time Ticket?
A Job Time Ticket is a physical document or record used in the automotive service industry to track the duration of time an employee or group of employees dedicates to working on a specific job or task. These documents are an effective way for Auto Dealerships and Other Automotive Service Organizations to monitor the amount of time spent on each job so that labor expenses can be accurately calculated and allocated. The forms are typically attached to the back of each repair order to track the labor costs for that specific job.
Job Time Tickets typically track the following information:
- Employee Name & Identifying Details – Job Time Tickets typically contain fields at the top of the form to record the employee's name and Identification number.
- Date – The date and time of the initiation of the Job Time Ticket is typically recorded at the top of the document.
- Work Performed – A description of each instance of work performed along with the date/time/duration of the work performed, the employee performing the work, and the associated labor cost is recorded on each line of the document.
- Totals – At the bottom of the form, there are fields whereby the total amount of time of each of the lines of labor can be totaled and the cumulative labor cost for the job can be calculated.
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Labels
We utilize peel-off pressure sensitive self-adhesive "flags" or "Tickets" on our Job Time Tickets, so there is no need to lick or apply moisture to the labels! Simply peel and stick! The days of worrying about tickets falling off or getting lost are long gone!
Multi-Part Forms Help With Organization
All of our Job Time Tickets are comprised of multiple parts through the use of Carbon sheets or NCR Carbonless Paper Stock. Having multiple copies of these forms aids in maintaining strong records and organization so that different copies of these forms can be filed and distributed separately.